Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Humor: You might be a writer if.....

You might be a writer if.....

You have writer's block.

You buy paper and pens by the box.

You are always working on a novel, but don't actually write it.

You have ideas for stories, but can't seem to write them down.

You wrote 10 pages a year ago, and can't concentrate to write more.

You wrote a story once and you claim you'll be famous one day.

You write in a journal everyday.

You don't write a thing.

You always talk about writing.

You write often, but crumple up the paper 'cuz it sucks.

You have thought about using a pen name.

You constantly revise a story before finishing a rough draft.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, by these standards, I'm not a writer. How about, you might be a writer if ...

    ...everything you see makes you think of a great story.
    ... you edit everything you write, including grocery lists, honey-do lists, etc.
    ... you're afraid to read because you might read something where someone wrote something just like your WIP.
    ...the only reason you write is because you heard writers drink and you want a reason.

