Thursday, August 23, 2012

A rat??

Jake swallowed a couple times and picked up the bottle again.  His shirt was soaking up the sweat that poured out of him like a waterfall.  He wasn't thirsty, but his mouth was dry.  His head was an earthquake followed by a million aftershocks.  His heart was a hummingbird.  His brain was on vacation.

How did this happen?  Why did he have to betray himself and his friends?  Wasn't there another way?  Couldn't he find a way out of becoming a rat?  What would they do to him?

"Calm down." said the ugly detective.  "You're gonna sweat yourself thin."

The tall detective laughed.

"Why do I have to wear a wire?  I told you all I know.  Won't my word be good enough?"

"The word of a crook against another crook?" the tall detective snorted.

"A jury won't find you credible.  You would do anything to save your own skin."

"No I wouldn't.  I...I...I--"

"You're only cooperating to get out of prison.  You can't deny that."

"But that's different?  I'm not a rat."

"It's way too late for that.  We already have you on tape telling us all about your friends."

The water bottle crashed into the ugly detective.  "You tricked me!  You told me that Kevin was ratting me out and I had to talk or get the needle."

"I lied."  The ugly detective slid the chair back making it squeak against the floor.  He stood up and exited the room with his partner.

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