Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Outcast 003 The Bar

Joshua drove to the bar lost in thought.  What if they make fun of me, because I don't drink?  Will they harrass me for being there when I'm a christian?  Will they include me in the fun, or am I their entertainment?
The sound of a honking horn brought him back.  He saw the green light and proceeded through the intersection.  "Pay attention!" he yelled at himself.  What am I doing?  I don't belong here.
He found the bar and pulled into the parking lot.  He left the engine running.  I can just leave and go home.  I don't have to do this.  Okay, maybe I should do this.  After all, God said to make friends at the bar.  I don't understand why, but I should do it anyway.  He turned off the ignition and walked up to the door.
Music blared through the open door and ten conversations competed with each other for attention.  A couple televisions were on to the game and a group of friends were playing a heated game of cricket at the dartboard.  Joshua swallowed his fear and stepped forward.
The bouncer returned to his post and saw him.  He pantomimed grabbing an ID, but Joshua didn't take the hint.  "I need to see your ID."
"Sure, let me pull it out."  Joshua fumbled with his wallet and managed to extract his ID before he died of embarrassment.  He slid it back in place when the bouncer returned it.

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